webinar of Climate Care Cattle farming - visionary aspects and views

CCCfarming is planning a WEBINAR about Climate Care Cattle farming - visionary aspects and views - on Friday 16th of April in the afternoon (13 hours CEST). It will be a TEAMS virtual meeting.

Preliminary program:

• WEBINAR Topic: Climate Care Cattle farming – visionary aspects and views -

- Nadege Edouard, INRA, France - Visionary aspects of dealing with C in dairy systems and C storage

- Sven Koenig, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany - Views on reducing cow methane emission from breeding perspective

- Bob Rees, Scottish Rural University College, Edinburg, UK: Climate Care Cattle farming from land and soil perspective - Peter Groot Koerkamp, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands: Challenges and vision for climate care cattle farming from a system’s perspective (NH3 + GHG)

- Diana Ruska, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies: Reply from Central-Eastern European perspective

• Answering questions arrived by chat


Are you interested to join this meeting? In that case, please send an e-mail to Abele Kuipers, abele.kuipers@wur.nl from Wageningen Livestock Research, the Netherlands