Work Description

The main activities of ERA-NET SusAn are divided into two parts. 


Part A: Activities related to the co-funded call and the consortium management

  • Work package 1 “Consortium Management and Coordination” will be led by BLE as Coordinator with INIA as Deputy Coordinator. WP1 will run until the end of this ERA-NET Cofund action and also include activities outlined in Part B. The Coordinator and the Deputy Coordinator will work in close cooperation with the work package leaders (WPL) in the Network Management Group (NMG, see section 3.2) for the implementation of the co-funded call and the other joint activities. WP1 is dedicated to project management and the supervision of effective communication and information exchange internally between Network Consortium (NC) partners and externally with the EC and other initiatives.
  • Work package 2 “Preparation, launch and closing of the co-funded call” will be led by PTJ with INIA as work package deputy (WPD). This WP will run until the research projects start, including the national/regional grant negotiation phase from proposal selection to final commitment. The team of WP2 will be responsible for running the online call management tool and will act as the contact point for the applicants. WP2 will provide the online tool with the launch of the co-funded call, prepare proposal templates and complete the call documents including input of evaluation criteria (WP3), reporting requirements (WP4) and project seminar contributions (WP5). WP2 will provide information for dissemination to WP5.
  • Work package 3 “Evaluation and proposal selection for the co-funded call” will be led by ANR with IWT as WPD. WP3 will run until the outcomes of the selection process for full proposals are communicated to the applicants and the requested documents are sent to the EC after the final selection of full proposals. WP3 will provide the outcomes of pre- and full  proposal selection to the Call Secretariat (WP2) for communication to applicants and receive technical support for the evaluation tool from WP2.
  • Work package 4 “Follow-up and monitoring of projects resulting from the co-funded call” will be led by INIA with Defra as WPD. WP4 will run until the final report on the research projects. WP4 will provide: a) definition of project monitoring indicators and reporting procedures that fulfil national/regional and Horizon 2020 criteria, b) monitoring of project progress, c) coordination of the evaluation of co-funded projects, d) impact assessment of project results. WP4 will provide information on the reporting and monitoring duties of applicants in the announcement of the co-funded call. Together with WP2 an online monitoring system for report management and data collection will be established.
  • Work package 5 “Communication and knowledge exchange” will be led by EV-ILVO with ELIKA as WPD. WP5 will run until the end of this ERA-NET Cofund action. The communication and knowledge exchange plan developed in this WP will help to promote the ERA-NET and its results. WP5 is responsible for effective communication and knowledge exchange from the ERA-NET SusAn to all stakeholders. Special attention will be paid to dissemination of results from the co-funded research projects to support innovation in sustainable animal production.

Part B: Additional activities

Two work packages dedicated to additional activities will run in parallel to the co-funded call for the duration of ERA-NET SusAn:

  • Work package 6 “Other joint activities” will be led by BLE with Teagasc as WPD. At least one joint activity will be developed with ERA-GAS. Depending on availability of funds further activities such as organisation and implementation of training for researchers, scientific workshops and other, non co-funded research and innovation projects, including case studies or pilot studies will be taken into consideration.
  • Work package 7 “Common Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda” will be led by INRA with EV-ILVO as WPD. The main task of WP7 will be to gather information on knowledge and research gaps in sustainable animal production recommended for further joint actions. WP7 will map existing activities and European and international research initiatives in order to elaborate a CSRIA to ensure the advancement of sustainable animal production in Europe. This mapping will provide necessary links between existing actions so as to avoid duplication of work and to provide the NC with guidance associated with the coordination of European research. This WP will also be responsible for proposing areas for additional activities (WP6).